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 allpdfconverter.com 2007 PDF Converter - Quickly convert 100 file formats to pdf including searchable Word to PDF, TXT to PDF, PSD to PDF , DWF to PDF, EMF to PDF , TIF to PDF , PNG to PDF , GIF to PDF
 http://www.allpdfconverter.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM

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Rated By: egOXDQhYCowQxZSCFrom: aPAEGsWUsDate: 6/8/2012 4:09:00 AM
Comments: I regret my seludche does not allow me to attend either seminar. I recently contacted Breast Cancer Action after I learned about their incredible work in this fight to eliminate toxins in our products. I was diagnosed with hormone-receptor positive breast cancer in April 2007. I have been on a mission since May 2008 to bring attention to very disturbing information I uncovered about the sunscreen (SPF) ingredients Octinoxate and Benzophenone found in our makeup, moisturizes and sun blocks. They have been linked to estrogen level changes, endocrine system disruption, and have an adverse effect on breast cancer cells. I have no doubt these chemicals caused my breast cancer and all of the mysterious, debilitating health problems I encountered for five straight years. My devastating symptoms completely disappeared two weeks after I discontinued using my products containing these ingredients. I have done extensive research and sent my findings to numerous breast cancer foundations, researchers from various academic and healthcare institutions, and filed a complaint with the FDA MedWatch. I am deeply concerned and frustrated beyond words by the lack of response or interest from the parties I have contacted to date. My goal is to alert the public and ultimately to get these chemicals banned from cosmetics and any other use, but I have been unsuccessful thus far. I alone am powerless against the cosmetic industry. Finally, with the help of BCAction, I feel my voice will be heard!
Rating: Rating Average
Rated By: AdminFrom: AdminDate: 3/3/2007 2:57:00 AM
Comments: Add Software Review for 2007 PDF Converter


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