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 Atlantis is designed to provide the power and functionality to satisfy the most demanding word processing tasks with the greatest of ease. With its small size and memory footprint, Atlantis will easily launch from a floppy for maximum portability if necessary. Almost all elements of the interface can be toggled on or off. Color Schemes and Background Sounds will let you customize your working environment. Each member of the family can have his or her own personal settings with which to launch Atlantis. A whole array of functions give you complete control over the handling and viewing of documents. Wheel mouse fans will be delighted to find support for their mouse advanced functions. The Magnifying Glass mode, the Zoom function will provide instant adequate magnification. The Preview mode will ensure that you keep perfect control over the appearance of the final printed output. A comprehensive innovative dual set of standard toolbar commands (Main & Alternative) provides instant access to most Atlantis commands. In addition to the usual text editing facilities (Column Block selection, Drag & Drop editing), a whole array of formatting commands are available, whole files and pictures can be inserted, allowing you perfect control over the layout and style of your documents. Support for Styles and Document Templates is comprehensive. The 200 Hot Keys will give power users all the instant control they require from the keyboard. Atlantis provides a special facility for storing clipboard items, the Clippy Bank. Correction is always possible. All editing can be undone or redone. The spelling checker has dictionaries for a great variety of languages, and additional custom dictionaries can be created. Atlantis will create backup files of original versions of your documents. Against system failure or crashes, Atlantis can also safeguard copies of all open documents to a special folder. Finally you will find a powerful 256-bit-strong document encryption feature in Atlantis.
 http://www.rssol.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM

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Rated By: AnonymousFrom: UnavailableDate: 12/19/2008 8:52:00 AM
Rating: Rating Average
Rated By: AnonymousFrom: UnavailableDate: 9/19/2008 3:19:00 AM
Rating: Rating Average
Rated By: AdminFrom: AdminDate: 5/17/2001 7:56:00 PM
Comments: Add Software Review for Atlantis Ocean Mind


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