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| Extra Subst - program designed to make access to frequently used folders of your computer easier. It is also used to create, edit and remove virtual drives of your computer. Extra Subst creates virtual drives on the basis of selected folders. Physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided into additional partitions.
Example 1:
By default the folder "My Documents" is situated in the operational system "MS Windows XP" rather uncomfortably:
"C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\"
With the help of the program "Extra Subst" you can create a virtual drive - for example drive "R:\" and select "My Documents" folder. After that, in your system the drive "R:\" will appear in which your documents will be kept. To access your documents you just click the drive icon "R:\" and there is no need to look for it in a folders tree.
Example 2:
You can create virtual drives for any folders with which you work often. For example, you can create drive "M:\" for the folder with your musical files "d:\archive\music\", drive "V:\" for the folder with your video files "d:\archive\music\" or drive "G:\" for the folder with your games and you do not need to divide your hard drive into additional partitions for that.
Example 3:
If you a web-designer you can make your project folder as a separate drive. In that case your project will be the same as if it were on Internet server. |
| http://www.wintools.net | Last Updated on 12/5/2023 8:19:00 AM |
| Download | Version 8.10 |
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| ExtraSubst - the program is designed to make access to frequently used folders of your computer much easier. ExtraSubst expands the capabilities of the system subst.exe utility and creates virtual disks on the basis of selected folders in both system modes: Elevated and Non-Elevated using GUI interface. Physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided into additional partitions. ExtraSusbst is compatible with ExtraDisks software.
Example 1: By default the folder "My Documents" is situated in the operational system MS Windows rather uncomfortably: "C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\" With the help of the program ExtraSubst you can create a virtual disk - for example disk D: and select "My Documents" folder. After that, in your system the disk D: will appear in which your documents will be kept. To access your documents you just click the disk icon D: and there is no need to look for it in a folders tree.
Example 2: You can create virtual disk for any folders which you work often. For example, you can create disk M: for the folder with your musical files "e:\archive\music\", disk V: for the folder with your video files "e:\archive\video\" or disk G: for the folder with your games and you do not need to divide your hard drive into additional partitions for that.
Example 3: If you are a web designer, you can make the project folder a separate drive. In this case, your project will be the same as if it were on a server on the Internet. |
| http://www.wintools.net | Last Updated on 12/5/2023 9:30:00 AM |
| Download | Version 8.10 |
| View all programs for this developer |
| Rating: 0 |
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| ExtraSubst - the program is designed to make access to frequently used folders of your computer much easier. ExtraSubst expands the capabilities of the system subst.exe utility and creates virtual disks on the basis of selected folders in both system modes: Elevated and Non-Elevated using GUI interface. Physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided into additional partitions. ExtraSusbst is compatible with ExtraDisks software.
Example 1: By default the folder "My Documents" is situated in the operational system MS Windows rather uncomfortably: "C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\" With the help of the program ExtraSubst you can create a virtual disk - for example disk D: and select "My Documents" folder. After that, in your system the disk D: will appear in which your documents will be kept. To access your documents you just click the disk icon D: and there is no need to look for it in a folders tree.
Example 2: You can create virtual disk for any folders which you work often. For example, you can create disk M: for the folder with your musical files "e:\archive\music\", disk V: for the folder with your video files "e:\archive\video\" or disk G: for the folder with your games and you do not need to divide your hard drive into additional partitions for that.
Example 3: If you are a web designer, you can make the project folder a separate drive. In this case, your project will be the same as if it were on a server on the Internet. |
| http://www.wintools.net | Last Updated on 12/5/2023 9:59:00 AM |
| Download | Version 8.10 |
| View all programs for this developer |