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 Dew Lab Studio includes MtxVec math library and additional signal analysis (DSP Master) and statistical analysis (Stats Master) add-on packages. Features include: - available as FMX, VCL and .NET Core. - Win32,Win64,MacOS,iOS,Android,Linux - fast object oriented numerical/matrix library - Intel AVX2, AVX-512, SSE4, Open CL and 64bit - optional full source build path for cross-platform support. - super conductive memory manager allows linear scaling with number of CPU cores. - LAPACK 3.4 based - Complete support for complex numbers for all functions. - Rich set of matrix and vector functions and operators. - Solver for banded sparse matrices, Iterative sparse solvers, Direct sparse solver. Conversions support Banded, Dense, Sparse and Triplets matrix formats - 23 probability distributions (PDF, CDF and inverse CDF function), special functions, optimization routines, random generators and parameter estimation. - fast vectorized math expression parser and evaluator - 1D and 2D FFT''s, correlations and autocorrelations. - arbitrary functions of matrix including square root of matrix and logarithm of matrix - optimized integer math library. - generalized Eig and SVD values - sparse matrix eigenvalues for symmetric and generalized symmetric matrices Statistics - Descriptive statistics - Hypothesis testing - Weighted/unweighted linear and multiple linear regression. - Weighted/unweighted non-linear regression - Time series analysis (ARMA, ARIMA, ARAR, MA, AR, ...) - PCA, multivariante analysis, ... Signal processing - IIR filters (Cheybshev I-II, Butterworth and Elliptic). - FIR filters (Remez and Kaiser) with complete filter design support. - Signal forecasting - Standard and extended Kalman filters. - Spectral analysis, cross/bi spectral analysis - Conversions between forms of transfer function - Audio rec/playback with ASIO/WASAPI. - interpolated FIR filters, DCT/IDCT - real factor high accuracy fast rate conversion
 http://www.dewresearch.comLast Updated on 2/21/2024 8:58:00 AM
 DownloadVersion 2024.0
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