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Rating:   7 Rating Average  
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 The CD front END is a simple set of files: it allows you to create an autoinstall CD where you can put any software. The user simply inserts the CD, then a window will be shown with simple buttons: a click on one of the button starts your SFX exe. No configuration, no hassle. You simply create a data directory, then you save any .exe there.
 http://visualvision.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 1.0
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Rating:   5 Rating Average  
   Total Hits - 360  |  Hits Today - 0View Ratings  |  Add Your Rating
 A simple set of files: it allows you to create an autoinstall CD where you can put any software, any PDF, any stuff. The user simply inserts the CD, then in a full screen window an HTML-like presentation will be shown. Inside it you can include any button you want to launch files (you can place them anywhere on the CD - and... the program asks no confirmations before installing!). No browsers needed. No configurations, no hassles.
 http://visualvision.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 1.0
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Rating:   4 Rating Average  
   Total Hits - 353  |  Hits Today - 0View Ratings  |  Add Your Rating
 Create a manual, hypertext, online help for your software or even a personal CDROM with your stuff, quickly. Manage electronic documents, edit pages with font, styles, tables and pictures like a wordprocessor, and place links and image hot-spots with ease. Save your output in all the popular formats, including Rtf-WinHelp, Html, Html Help, Doc for your MSWord, and Txt. Save time. Learn a single tool and mantain a single source document, while edit, search/replace, archive, publish and export functions act on the whole hypertext, rather than individual pages. Take advantage of the internal album that makes it easy to reuse objects and images, the clipart and templates collections that help you obtain immediate results, the optimized hypertext management that even makes simple (and visual) work of placement of elaborated frame-to-frame links. Everything is fast, reliable, and designed for everyday use. One manual, one file. And you can instantly reuse your work for Internet publishing, and have the full redistribution license for CDROM works, by upgrading to iPer Hyper Publish PRO.
 http://www.paperkiller.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 3.9.70
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Rating:   24 Rating Average  
   Total Hits - 441  |  Hits Today - 0View Ratings  |  Add Your Rating
 With this easy to use Web publishing tool you can make fancy Internet pages: hot spots, frames, frame-to-frame links, styles, popups, mouse-over changing images and more... quickly. You never see the actual HTML, so everything is visual and really fast. An entire site exists as a single document, so no messing with endless files. Site-wide search/replace, internal images album, and FTP with autodetect of modified pages, so you manage things globally and publish to the Internet very fast. The on-the-fly generated pages are good for Netscape and IE, and optimized with the most advanced expedients, so you don't have to create different pages for different browsers, and framed pages are also search-engine-safe. Advanced users can insert Html and Javascript, if required. Furthermore, each site may be converted without any effort for offline media publishing (CD) by using the iPer Hyper Publish PRO product (also from VisualVision).
 http://www.easywebeditor.com/Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 3.9.70
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Rating:   5 Rating Average  
   Total Hits - 768  |  Hits Today - 0View Ratings  |  Add Your Rating
 With this professional and easy to use Web publishing tool you can make fancy Websites and Internet pages: hot spots, frames, frame-to-frame links, styles, popups, mouse-over changing images, flash and more... quickly. You never see the actual HTML, so everything is visual and really fast. An entire site exists as a single document, so no messing with endless files. Site-wide search/replace, internal images album, and FTP with autodetect of modified pages, so you manage things globally and publish to the Internet very fast. The on-the-fly generated pages are good for Netscape and IE, and optimized with the most advanced expedients, so you don't have to create different pages for different browsers, and framed pages are also search-engine-safe. Advanced users can insert Html and Javascript, if required. Furthermore, each site may be converted without any effort for offline media publishing (CD) by using the Hyper Publish PRO product (also from VisualVision).
 http://www.1site.info/Last Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 6.2.130
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Rating:   3 Rating Average  
   Total Hits - 881  |  Hits Today - 0View Ratings  |  Add Your Rating
 Create ebooks with ease with this FREE tool. An all-in-one visual environment, not just a compiler! Can output a standalone EXE with one click, or a compact AEH file suitable for the free ebook reader. Various degrees of protection: clipboard "copy" disabling; one or more pass for different groups of pages, or different passwords for different users; expiration date. Possibility to force the full screen display. Full text/keyword search. Fast, visual, comprehensive: frames with drag&drop, hot spots, mouseover images, visual linking, popups. The internal album makes it easy to reuse objects and images, the clipart and templates collections help you to obtain results immediately, the optimized hypertext management makes it simple and visual even the placement of elaborated frame-to-frame links, the global search/replace speeds up the work. Thanks to the AEH compatibility, you can even instantly reuse your works for Internet publishing with EasyWebEditor; for HtmlHelp and complex CDROMs, with iPer Hyper Publish PRO.
 http://www.ebookswriter.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2.5.100
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Rating:   9 Rating Average  
   Total Hits - 746  |  Hits Today - 0View Ratings  |  Add Your Rating
 Publish to Web sites or CDROM: a catalog, a manual, a site, quickly. You edit a single hypermedia file (e.g. a whole Web site), you can publish it anytime to both Web/autoinstall CD, with automatic Wizards. Visual, suitable also for beginners (no code, not an HTML editor)! Link pages with font/styles, hot-spots; frames, forms, rollover images, shopping cart... A productive authoring tool focusing on normal people rather than developers.
 http://www.hyperpublish.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 3.9.82
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Rating:   5 Rating Average  
   Total Hits - 646  |  Hits Today - 0View Ratings  |  Add Your Rating
 CD Front End allows you to create an autorun / autoplay / autostart CD. A catalog, a software collection, PDF files, or any stuff. The user simply inserts the CD, then in a full screen window a Web-like presentation is shown. Inside it you can include any button you want to launch files (you can place them anywhere on the CD, and... the program asks no confirmations before installing!). No browsers needed. No configurations, no HTML, no hassles.
 http://www.visualvision.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 3.6.131
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Rating:   8 Rating Average  
   Total Hits - 687  |  Hits Today - 0View Ratings  |  Add Your Rating
 Professional and comprehensive CD / Web catalog creation software. Create catalogs of your goods products and services easily. Descriptions, prices, pictures, order form / shopping cart, built-in search feature. Fully custom: can build from scratch or import from database / CSV, with automatic categories, subcategories, thumbnail images (everything can be edited after the import; infinite templates for the products pages). Don't need "coding".
 http://www.visualvision.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2006.21.201
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