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 Exit popups are now a well-proven technology for building a list, allowing you to turn ordinary visitors into highly profitable subscribers. Exit List Pro is our new software for adding exit popups to ordinary web pages. The software is quick and easy to set up - and costs far less than many other solutions... Easily Create A Popup To Promote Any Offer Popups are just ordinary HTML web pages (except that it is smaller than a normal page). This means that you can design just about any layout for your popup, using any HTML editor. Full instructions are included with the software. But to make it really easy, the software comes with a special tool that creates popups automatically, just by filling in a form. Just type the text you want to appear into the various boxes (full instructions are included). You can select the text and color for each item - the close message at the top right, the popup headline, the main popup text (which can optionally be in the form of a set of bullet points), the privacy guarantee and the close window message at the bottom. After filling in the boxes, you simply paste a signup form from your autoresponder into the software, then click the Create button. Your signup form page will be instantly created. With this simple tool, you can create professional-looking popups that effectively promote your offer - all in two minutes flat!
 http://logicfish.co.ukLast Updated on 8/19/2016 7:16:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 0.1
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 Lightweight HTTP server and a script engine (like PHP or ASP) in one application . It is a very good tool to control a device connected on a remote PC serial port with a web browser.You can build a complete web interface for your RS232 device, for example for a home automation box, a remote camera, a ham radio, writing html and script pages. The script code is executed by the internal script engine, so is very fast.
 http://www.easyvitools.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2.0
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 FAQ Module for Directy CMF. The FAQ module allows you to create and manage a FAQ page, with questions and answers displayed in different styles, according to the settings. This FAQ module is already prepared for multilingual sites. Installation and usage of this module are simple and intuitive.
 https://www.apphp.com/codemarket/Last Updated on 6/11/2019 3:58:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 2
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 Feberr - Multivendor Digital Products Marketplace. Feberr - Multivendor Digital Products Marketplace is a complete marketplace script for digital downloads with support system. You can sell your items an online store to suitable marketplace. You can sell anything digital items such as scripts, themes, plugins, print, graphics, mobile app, software, audio files, videos, music, digital art, filters, templates, themes, or photos etc. we provide to help of details documentation it will take few minutes to installation and setup. You can setup your own marketplace sell your items and you will get earning commission.
 https://www.apphp.com/codemarket/Last Updated on 7/30/2021 11:52:00 AM
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 The flash chat is a new mode of chat software. Full of funny animation, it offers an interesting feel of communication online. Based on Flash Media Server and Red5, FlashPioneer Flash Chat supports many systems, which brings convenience to users and saves them a lot of money.It costs less while works excellently. Every web site may also customize a flash chat matching all the needs and we professional team will do the best for your satisfaction.
 http://www.flashpioneer.comLast Updated on 7/2/2008 6:15:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 1.02
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 Gallery Module for Directy CMF. The Gallery module allows administrator to create image or video albums, upload album content and display this content to be viewed by visitor of the site. This module is already prepared for multilingual sites. Installation and usage of this module are very simple and intuitive.
 https://www.apphp.com/codemarket/Last Updated on 7/4/2019 4:05:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 3
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 Google Customer Reviews Program benefits shippers to ask for item reviews from customers and get them showed on their site as a review identification. - Incorporate Google Customer Rating Badge javascript on all online business pages with dynamic factors ex. Trader Id, Badge Position and so forth - Auto checks arrange achievement page and annex google customer reviews overview pick in module to arrange affirmation page. - Simple Installation and setup in simply no time - Backend Configuration for Merchants to oversee dynamic fields like MERCHANT_ID, POSITION ("BOTTOM_LEFT", "BOTTOM_RIGHT"), LANGUAGE and so forth.
 http://store.setubridge.comLast Updated on 6/11/2018 6:58:00 AM
 DownloadVersion 1.0.2
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 Generate Data Matrix and GS1-Data-Matrix SVG, HTML5 Canvas and BMP barcode images with the JavaScript Barcode Generator that may be easily integrated into many Web Applications, Oracle Reports and HTML. It is the complete barcode generator in a single JavaScript file; no other components need to be installed to create barcodes with this product. Includes implementation examples for use in HTML and .js files (compressed and uncompressed) included in licensed package. May be used with JQuery and supports optional HTML Element ID references.
 http://www.idautomation.comLast Updated on 4/17/2017 4:08:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 17.04
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 Generate QR-Code and GS1 QRCode SVG, HTML5 Canvas and BMP barcode images with JavaScript Barcode Generator that may be easily integrated into many Web Applications, Oracle Reports and HTML. It is the complete barcode generator in a single JavaScript file; no other components need to be installed to create barcodes with this product. Includes implementation examples for use in HTML and .js files (compressed and uncompressed) included in licensed package. May be used with JQuery and supports optional HTML Element ID references.
 http://www.idautomation.comLast Updated on 5/19/2017 2:59:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 17.01
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 Every successful marketer will tell you the importance of trying different headlines on your sales and squeeze pages in order to maximize your sales and opt-ins. Put simply, the headline on your page determines whether people will even bother to read the rest of your page. It''s not easy to tell which headlines will convert well just by looking at them - but finding a good headline can easily double (or more) the response to your offer. However, if you''re like most marketers, you probably don''t bother testing different headlines on any of your web pages. It''s just too much hassle! Now though I''d like to tell you about a really easy way to test different headlines. Something that can be setup in 2 minutes flat and which will find the best headline for your offer automatically. It''s a very simple solution - but it carries HUGE benefits. Here''s the solution in a nutshell... The special script will automatically show each of your headlines in turn to successive visitors to your site and measure the response to each. Once each headline has been viewed by 100 visitors (or a different number chosen by you), the test will stop. The best performing headline will then be selected automatically - and then shown to all future visitors. Getting the best headline for your offer just doesn''t get any easier than this! Test Any Other Text On Your Page Too Although the primary purpose of the software is to test the headline, the software actually has three separate text entries (headline, sub-heading and sub-sub-heading). The sub-heading and sub-sub-heading can be used for anything you want - from a single line of text to a full block of text. This powerful feature allows you to easily test different versions of any text on your sales or squeeze page automatically. The software offers a simple "set and forget" feature which shows each headline to 100 visitors (or a different number chosen by you) and then selects the best option.
 http://logicfish.co.ukLast Updated on 8/21/2016 1:03:00 PM
 DownloadVersion 0.1
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